Wang Lab Github repository: GitHub
PhyloCon: Phylogenetic Consensus.
MatAlign: Matrix Aligner.
PhyloNet: Phylogenetic Network.
UCSC Cancer Genomics Browser: Large scale cancer genomics.
Wash U Epigenome Visualization Hub (VizHub): Epigenome Roadmap Genome Browser.
Wash U Epigenome Browser: Go to Browser.
methylCRF: conditional random field based algorithm to predict genome-wide DNA methylation level at single CpG resolution.
M&M: an algorithm and R package to predict differentially methylatied regions by combining MeDIP-seq and MRE-seq data.
methylQA: a methylation sequencing data quality assessment tool.
EpiCompare: an online tool to define and explore genomic regions with tissue or cell type-specific epigenomic features.
DeepH&M: Simultaneous determination of single-CpG hydroxymethylation and methylation levels.
WashU Virus Genome Browser: Exploring the coronavirus pandemic with the WashU Virus Genome Browser.
indel_epi_landscape: pipeline and script for human-chimp sv affecting cis regulatory elements.
Intermediate Methylation (IM) Regions: the IM regions in different tissues from human.
Vertebrate surface ectoderm and human skin: DNA Methylation Signatures of Embryonic Surface Ectoderm and Human Skin Cells.
DNA Methylation Dynamics of Zebrafish Early Development: DNA methylation dynamics of early development in zebrafish.
Human Cancer Epigenome: Human Cancer Epigenome project and hub.
Single Cell RNA Analysis of Zebrafish Fin Regeneration: Cellular diversity of the regenerating caudal fin.