Wang Lab


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Name Role in lab Duration Where they went
Irene Wang WashU Undergraduate Student 2021/10-2024/12 WashU
Ana Welge Summer Student 2024/6-2024/9 St. Olaf College
Anyi Sun Summer Student 2024/6-2024/9 Bowdoin College
Carlos Saeh Summer Student 2018/12-2024/9 UIUC
Aiden Qian Summer Student 2024/6-2024/9 High school
Xuan Qu PhD 2018/12-2024/6 WashU MSTP
Yujie Chen PhD 2018/12-2024/6 AbbVie
Mary Shang WashU Undergraduate Student 2021/10-2024/5 WashU
Harsh Wadhwa WashU Undergraduate Student 2018/12-2024/5 MIT
Bruktawit Amare Rotation Student (CSE) 2024/2-2024/3 WashU
Evelyn Yang Graduate Student (Computer Science) 2023/11-2023/12 WashU
Samagya Banskota Visiting Scholar 2023/9-2024/3 Boston University
Alan Du PhD (MGG) 2016/10-2024/1 Takara Bio
Edward Kang Rotaion Student(CSE) 2023/10-2023/11 WashU
Alaina Urman Rotation Student (MGG) 2023/07-2023/08 WashU
Eva Kasal Summer Student 2023/07-2023/08 High school
Junsik Yun Summer Student 2023/06-2023/08 Sungkyunkwan University
Everett Cui Summer Student 2023/06-2023/08 Parkway high school
Anderson Dai Summer Student 2023/06-2023/08 Ladue high school
Roni Salisu Visiting program trainee 2023/06-2023/07 University of Maryland
Nakul Shah Resident 2015/09-2023/06 MD Anderson
Xiaowen Ma Bioinformatics Research Analyst 2022/08-2023/06 Georgia tech
Evan Peng Rotation Student (HSG) 2023/03-2023/06 Ding Lab
Chris Hemauer Undergraduate Researcher (WashU) 2020/05-2023/03 Harvard
Siyuan (Ryan) Cheng Master student 2022/05-2023/03 MD Anderson
Ai Zhang Rotation Student (HSG) 2022/01-2023/01 Dantas Lab
Ling Liao Rotation Student (CSB) 2022/10-2022/12 WashU
Emma Bartley-Dier Rotation Student (MCB) 2022/09-2022/11 WashU
Doris Wu Rotation Student (MGG) 2022/08-2022/10 Yoo lab
Yiran Hou (PhD, 2022) Graduate Student (MGG) 2016/03-2022/08 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sonali Sharma Highschool student (YSP program) 2022/06-2022/08 Highschool
Hannah Chay Florence Moog Fellow 2021/01-2022/06 WashU
Marina Sha Summer intern (Carnegie Mellon University) 2022/06-2022/08 CMU
Mary Shang WashU Undergraduate Student 2022/06-2022/08 WashU
Erica Shi Highschool student 2022/06-2022/08 Ladue Highschool
Kyle Sha Highschool student 2022/06-2022/08 MICDS
Nahyun Kong Rotation Student (HSG) 2022/05-2022/07 Peter Jin lab
Ariya Chaloemtoem Rotation Student (HSG) 2021/12-2022/03 WashU
Deepak Purushotham Senior Scientist 2015/01-2022/03 Moderna, Inc.
Jennifer Karlow (Flynn) (PhD, 2021) Graduate Student (CSB) 2015/07-2022/02 Burns Lab at Harvard Medical School
Dian Li Rotation Student (CSB) 2021/09-2021/12 WashU
Caryn Carson Postdoc 2020/10-2022/01
Reeve Sobol Undergraduate Researcher 2020/08-2022/01 WashU
Clinton Jules Rotation Student (Computer Science) 2021/11-2022/01 WashU
Angela Wu Research scientist 2020/01-2021/11 Data analyst at Kansas Health Institute
Lisa Liao Rotation Student (Computer Science) 2021/09-2021/11 WashU
Amy Li Undergraduate Researcher 2021/06-2021/08 Boston University
Aaron Anderson Rotation Student 2021/08-2021/10 Kerry Kornfeld’s lab
Max Wrubel Post-bacc (Opportunities in Genomics Research Program) 2021/09-2021/11 Peter Jin lab
Wanqing Shao Postdoc 2018/10-2021/10 Genomic Scientist at Boston Children’s Hospital
Mayank Choudhary (PhD, 2021) Graduate Student (MGG) 2015/06-2021/07 McKinsey & Company
Hyung Joo Lee (PhD, 2017) Graduate Student (MGG) & Postdoc 2011/02-2021/07 Bioscience Team Leader at Pin Therapeutics, Inc.
Clara Liu Rotation Student (MSTP) 2021/06-2021/08
Changfeng Chen Rotation Student (MCB) 2021/04-2021/07
Scarlett Ge Undergraduate Student (WashU) 2019/04-2021/04 JHU
Fujr Ibrah/im Undergraduate Student 2019/09-2021/04 JHU
Joseph Bradley Rotation Student (HSG) 2020/09-2021/02
Gavriel Matt Postdoc 2019/08-2020/12 St. jude children’s hospital
Alina Ulezko Antonova WashU MSTP Student 2020/03-2020/09 Marco Colonna Lab at WashU
Eric Yin High School Student 2020/05-2020/09 HighSchool
Alina Chen High School Student 2020/05-2020/09 HighSchool
Tami Wong WashU Undergraduate Student (uSTAR program) 2020/05-2020/09 WashU
Sophie Xu High School Student 2020/05-2020/09 HighSchool
Ji-Sun Kwon Rotation Student 2020/02-2020/05 Andrew Yoo Lab at WashU
Rafael Feliciano Rotation Student (MGG) 2020/01-2020/04 WashU
Xianglin Zhang Exchange Scholar (Tsinghua University) 2019/06-2020/05 Tsinghua University
Ali Wilkening Undergraduate Student (WashU) 2017/09-2019/12 Stanford University
Erica Pehrsson Postdoc 2016/02-2020/04 Bioinformatics Analyst III, Leidos Biomedical Research
Josh Jang (PhD, 2020) Graduate Student (MGG) 2015/03-2020/03 Postdoc at VAI
Yu He (PhD, 2020) Graduate Student (CSB) 2015/04-2020/04
Yawei Wu Rotation Student (MGG) 2019/11-2020/01 Barak Cohen Lab
Renee Sears (PhD, 2019) Graduate Student (HSG) 2014/08-2019/09 bioinformatician at PierianDx
Jeffery McMillian Young Scientist Program (YSP) Student 2019/06-2019/10
Ruthy Mamo Meharry Summer Research Program Medical Student 2019/05-2019/08
Samuel Chen Summer Highschool Student 2019/05-2019/08 Yale
Ann Zhang Summer Highschool Student 2019/05-2019/08 Yale
Justin Xu Summer Highschool Student 2019/05-2019/08 WashU
Jason Xu Summer Highschool Student 2019/05-2019/08 Missouri University of Science & Technology
Vincent Xu Summer Highschool Student 2019/05-2019/08 WashU
Geng Wang Rotation Student 2019/06-2019/06 Gabriel Haller lab
Xinxin Wang Rotation Student 2019/02-2019/05 Ira Hall Lab
Aiyana Riddihough Undergraduate Student 2017/09-2019/04
Wenwei Liao Rotation Student 2019/01-2019/04 Ira Hall Lab
Benjamin Katz Rotation Student 2018/06-2018/09
Julia Wang Rotation Student 2018/06-2018/09 Li Ding Lab
Silas Hsu Software Engineer 2017/05-2018/08 UIUC
Haoyue Xue Research Assistant 2017/09-2018/01
David Ayeke Part-T/ime programmer 2018/06-2018/07 Pizza Hut
Yize Li Rotation Student (HSG) 2018/02-2018/05 Ding lab
Zea Zhu Research Specialist 06/2017-04/2018 U of Wisconsin Madison
Lucas Thomas Rotation Medical Student 10/2017-04/2018 WashU Medical School
Ryan Friedman Rotation Student (CSB) 11/2017-02/2018 Barak Cohen Lab
Paula Godoy Rotation Student (CSB) 11/2017-02/2018 Charles Kaufman Lab
Cheng Lyu Part-time research assistant 11/2016-02/2018 Bioinformatician at Bo Zhang Lab
Kyle Burbach Rotation Student (MGG) 10/2017-12/2017 Andrew Yoo lab
Ananda Datta Postdoc 10/2016-05/2017 Monsanto
Mikayla Choi Biochemistry Undergraduate Student (WashU) 9/2015-05/2017 Yonsei medical school
Erika Schumacher Rotation student (EEPB) 01/2017-05/2017 Costa Rica
Jonathan Spalding Rotation student (Developmental Biology) 08/2016-02/2017 Steve Johnson lab
Vasavi Sundaram (PhD, 2016) Graduate Student (Computational and Systems Biology) 05/2011-03/2017 EMBL Inter - disciplinary Postdocs (EIPOD) fellow, in Duncan Odom and Paul Flicek labs
Rebecca Lowdon (PhD, 2016) Graduate Student (Molecular Genetics and Genomics) 06/2012-09/2016 Monsanto, Data Scientist in the Emerging Leaders in Science program
Nicole Rockweiler Graduate student (Computational and Systems Biology) 10/2014-9/2016 Don Conrad lab
Daniel Cui Rotation student (CSB) 7/2016-9/2016 Barak Cohen lab
Eileen Chen Summer Medical Student 03/2016-07/2016 WashU Med School
Julia Altman Summer Student 6/2016-7/2016 South Carolina Governor’s School
Abbie Bowman Summer Student 6/2016-7/2016 South Carolina Governor’s School
Juan Macias Rotation Student (CSB) 4/2016-6/2016 Lawson Lab
Junchen Gu (PhD, 2015) Graduate Student 05/2010-05/2016 Janssen R&D
Chengran Yang Rotation Student (HSG) 11/2015-02/2016 Don Conrad lab
Aldrin Y/im Rotation Student (CSB) 11/2015-02/2016 Jeff Milbrandt lab
GiNell Elliott (PhD 2015) Graduate Student (Computational and Systems Biology, joint with Gary Stormo) 12/2010-07/2015 Novartis, Boston
Diana Jiang Summer Medical Student 07/2015-08/2015 Wash U Medical School
Tammy Ray Summer student 07/2015-08/2015 South Carolina Governor’s School
Asia M. Paguntalan Summer student 07/2015-08/2015 South Carolina Governor’s School
David Zhang Summer Undergraduate Student (Wash U) 07/2015-08/2015, 05/2016-07/2016, 05/2017-08/2017 Wash U
Wint Yan (Arthur) Aung Master student (Biostatistics) 09/2014-07/2015 Wash U
Nicholas Jacobs Rotation student 02/2015-05/2015 Zack Pincus lab
Bo Zhang Postdoc 07/2011-04/2015 Assistant Professor at Department of Developmental Biology, Center of Regenerative Medicine, WUSTL
Lin Wang Undergraduate student (Washington University) 09/2014-03/2015 Gaduate student at Columbia
Jia Zhou (PhD 2014) Gradudate Student (Human Statistical Genetics) 01/2012-02/2015 bioinformatician at PierianDx
Xin Zhou Postdoc/Instructor 05/2010-12/2014 St. Jude Children’s hospital
Jing Li Exchange Student (Shanghai International Joint Cancer Institute, Second Military Medial University) 11/2013-11/2014 Shanghai International Joint Cancer Institute
Manishi Pandey Comp Bio rotation student 05/2014-07/2014 Stormo lab
Michael Stevens (PhD 2014) Graduate student (Computer science) 04/2011-05/2014 University of Liverpool
Duc Ngo Summer student. Young Scientist Program (YSP) 06/2014-07/2014
Methma Udawatta Undergraduate (Amgen Scholar) 05/2014-06/2014 Brown University
Kenzie Foster Summer student 06/2014-07/2014 South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics
Ronnie Fowle-Grider Rotation student, MSTP 03/2013-08/2013 Gary Patty’s lab
Peter Edge BioMedRAP summer student 05/2013-07/2013 University of Minnesota
Mingchao Xie Research analyst 08/2010-06/2012 Ding lab
Madeline Keleher Rotation Student (Evolution, Ecology and Population Biology) 01/2012-03/2012 Cheverud lab
Taylor Southwick Rotation Student (Computational and Systems Biology) 11/2011-01/2012 Microsoft
Zane Goodwin Rotation Student (Computational and Systems Biology) 08/2011-10/2011 de Guzman Strong lab
Brett Maricque Graduate Student (Computational and Systems Biology) NSF Predoctoral Fellow 05/2011-05/2012 Cohen lab
Jiexun (Jessie) Wang Postdoc, R25 fellow 02/2011-02/2012
Ava Hughes Young Scientist Program (YSP) 06/2011-07/2011
Michael Mahowald Postdoc, W.M.Keck fellow 06/2010-06/2011 Harvard pathology
Sravya Tamma Programmer/student intern 08/2010-10/2010 R&D systems as a bioinfor - matician
Ashley Quiggle Rotation Student (Molecular Genetics and Genomics) 11/2010-01/2011 de Guzman Strong lab
Ruteja Barve Rotation Student (Human and Statistical Genetics) 08/2010-10/2010 Gu lab
Yuan Zhang Rotation Student (Computer Science) 11/2010-01/2011 Weixiong Zhang’s lab
Gaurav Singha Rotation Student (Computational and Systems Biology) 04/2010-06/2010
David Russo Undergraduate student (from Pacific Lutheran University, Neva Laurie-Berry lab) 06/2010-08/2010 Colorado State University
Kevin Forsberg Rotation Student 04/2010-06/2010 Dantas lab
Chris Fiore Rotation Student 03/2010-06/2010 Cohen lab